

Santa Cruz Syndicate 2016: Episode 1 – Lourdes

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Der World Cup hat begonnen und somit ist sie wieder da , die Syndicate Webserie ist zurück. Für das Santa Cruz Team war das erste Rennen in Lourdes ein voller Erfolg. Greg Minnar auf Platz 15. Josh BRYCELAND sogar unter den Top 10 auf Platz 6.

Was sie selbst darüber sagen:

“The first World Cup of 2016 is in the books, and it was a wonderfully muddy, messy way to kick off the season! Peaty got some World Cup points, Minnar finished 14th, and Ratboy pulled off a top-10 finish, with a 6th place result. Lourdes is quickly establishing itself as a first class venue with a rough, challenging track.  Conditions all week were wet, but the sun was shining for the finals.  With legions of spectators streaming the hill was alive with the sounds of chain saws, bells and horns and could be heard miles away and fans were treated to amazing racing action.”



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