

Video: Rob Warner bei der Red Bull Foxhunt

Warner in Topform

Könnte das hier der Helmkamera Lauf des Jahres sein? Rob Warner ist in Topform und kämpft sich durch das Fahrerfeld des Red Bull Foxhunt Rennens. Wie erwartet tritt das absolute Chaos ein und Warners wilder Kommentar erinnert an die guten alten Freecaster Zeiten.

Warner dazu: “I only got in at midnight the night before the race as I missed my flight and then I nearly missed the flight I re-booked as I was in the wrong terminal… AGAIN. You wouldn’t believe it, I had to get a cab from one terminal to another. I made my second flight with about a minute to spare.

“I got to the B&B in darkness, I didn’t know where the toilet was so I just went outside and then jumped into bed. I woke up the next morning, came up to Rostrevor, did my two practice runs and then it was time to race.

“I didn’t get the best start, it was hard up there. It was quite serious, nobody was really going anywhere and everyone was kind of standing around in the bottle necks.

“It all really got going when we hit the downhill sections. It was wild. There were plenty of lines to get around people.

“I nearly killed a bloke at the top but I apologised heavily. We were both going quite fast so it really would have hurt. To be honest it is hard to overtake without almost killing someone.

“I only had one spill, but it was fine. I just hit a guy who had stopped. I also had a little crash at the bottom, I am glad we got all of that on the POV.

“It is an amazing event. It’s really fun but there is definitely a competitive edge.”



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